
Hillsborough Sun

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Author Series: Little Matches -- An Inspirational Story On Discovering Your Purpose In Life

Start Time:07/20/2022 7:00 PM

End Time:07/20/2022 8:00 PM

Location:Main Library

Source:Arts and Recreation Calendar


There are few constants in Life, Greif, Love, and Death. Join the Manchester City Library, in partnership with the Tewksbury Public Library for an evening author event on July 20 at 7:00 PM. Author Maryanne O'Hara will discuss her recent book, Little Matches: A Memoir of Finding Light in the Dark, in this Zoom webinar.

About The Book: Maryanne O'Hara recounts how she lost her beloved only child and set out to look for answers to life's hard questions. Where is she? Is she? Is there more to life than this life? Does my existence have any real purpose? Does anyone's? Can the synchronicities that we humans experience help us find meaning and purpose in our lives? Using images and reflections that speak to universal themes, Maryanne shares her remarkable story of resilience, of finding light inside life's darkest hours, and offers suggestions for discovering one's purpose.

About The Author: Maryanne O'Hara is the author, most recently, of Little Matches: A Memoir of Finding Light in the Dark. Little Matches is inspired by a blog that Maryanne O'Hara kept while her daughter Caitlin was waiting for a lung transplant. Maryanne and Caitlin's story has been featured in The New York Times, TIME Magazine, The Boston Globe, Psychology Today, and Little Matches is a People Magazine Book of the Week. She is also the author of Cascade, a novel, which was the Boston Globe Book Club's inaugural pick, a finalist for the Massachusetts Book Award, and a People Magazine Book of the Week. Maryanne holds an MFA in creative writing, has taught creative writing at the college level, and was a longtime editor at the literary journal, Ploughshares. After volunteering as an end-of-life volunteer at care facilities in Boston and Pittsburgh, she trained as a certified end-of-life doula at the University of Vermont's Larner College of Medicine in 2019. Maryanne lectures on topics including chronic illness, bereavement, and secular spirituality. She is the developer of a successful legacy writing workshop that facilitates personal and communal reflective creative practices across identity, age, and health status. Learn more about Maryanne HERE.

For questions, call Sue Harmon at 603-624-6550 x7620 or email sharmon@manchesternh.gov

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Original source can be found here.